
Sometimes u think, that you've a strong Relationship with someone, but within seconds everything is destroyed. It feels like some Part of u died. U hope and hope that all those painful moments just go away, but honestly they doesn't. If u realize, that they're there, everything will remind u on the Person, the Moments u shared.
U'll always keep trying to fix it, if u love this Person, but sometimes its just not possible.
Relationship means honesty, sharing fears, moments together,sharing Happiness. Its not easy, to tell someone about yourself, Ur fear, Ur dark moments, Ur Happiness. Relationship means having no Secrets.
Sometimes its better to keep silent if People cant agree, but being silent isn't the Way to solve a Problem. Being silent can bring up even worse Problems. All Ur Anger will come out together, like a big fat red fireball...PENG! in the other persons face!
Some People cant imagine, that it hurts to get burned! I've an easy Theory.. If someone trough a fireball full of pain in my face i loose my trust...why should i trust this Person he/she might try to trough another Ball in my Face.
I mean its normal, that in every Relationship are disagreements, but People should hold on and talk about it.
------>I wish i could say that today, but I cant. I wish i could stand here and tell everyone how perfect the world is, but it isn't! I got one of those Fireballs in my Face today and the only Thing i can think about is the Pain. I wish i could have stopped it, but the only thing i did was watching. I saw the Ball coming, but couldn't hold it! Maybe i was scared, that my Hands get hurt and i cant use them anymore..Now I can ask myself: " what hurts more, Face and heart affected or Hands? I think i can guess the answer.
I feel lonely and lost.

Love does not consist in gazing at each other,
but in looking outward together in the same direction.
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery ~

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