another journey

Its time again to make a journey..this time it goes to Germany...after 9 month not being there i thought it might be the right time now...Its weird, cos  it just feels like another country...Home is here in Ireland! So i just decided that now should be the right time 2 go! I just booked my flight dunno what 2 expect and just go straight away.. Wednesday 10o'clock iam back in Germany were all started...
thats how i wad suppost to feel i guess.. but i felt like a stranger. Everything was so different,so changed i thought. I couldnt remember how it felt to be "german". I knew that my expectations werent deep, but i thought I should feel at least something..  but there was nothing! Yes I was glad, that i saw some of my friends. I've never expected that i would change dso much. People who I thought were important to me 10 month ago lost their importance for me. A girl i used to be good friends with, were judt annoying me. Evrry single word, that she said, made me tired and uncomfortable.
I guess the time here let me grew up and things got a bit difficult to understand to me.
I was suppost to see a bunch of people. I saw just 2 of my friends.... not even my close family.. that happens!
I was so delighted, when i booked my ticket back to Dublin, it felt like coming home, after a long time.

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